The table of five finished with The Game... spiel so lange du kannst (play as long as
you can), which is a co-operative card game that is somewhat reminiscent of Hanabi
and was one of the nominated games for the 2015 Spiel des Jahres. The game is played
with a deck of cards numbered from 2 to 99 and you are building four piles of cards,
two of which must go in ascending order and two in descending order. You are trying
to end up having played every card but that is pretty difficult and it suggests that
ten or less is an excellent result, so we set that as the criterion for whether or
not we had won the game. Like Hanabi, you can give other players limited information
about where you might like to play but can't spell out exactly which numbered cards
you have. This was again greatly enjoyed and presented a quite tense puzzle. However,
we ended up doing really well, even though we thought some of the jumps between laid
cards were too great, and we finished with just one card remaining. So close to a
perfect score but still a win. |