This week there were eight of us so an even split of two groups of four seemed the
obvious choice. My table started with Castles of Mad King Ludwig, which we'd all
played once before but I'd only tried solo - which obviously misses out the Master
Builder element. The game is a refinement (for the better in my opinion, although
some might argue differently) of Suburbia by the same designer, Ted Alspach. The game
is about developing a castle with a variety of rooms that fit in with the objectives
you are trying to achieve, some of which you've secretly been allocated and some are
common goals). Each round, the Master builder draws some room tiles and allocates
them to certain price brackets. The other players then get the chance to purchase a
room, paying the Master Builder and he gets to purchase from what's left, paying to
the bank. Once the supply of room tiles has been exhausted, the game ends and people
score for their objectives and whoever has the most points wins.
As I suggested above, I enjoy Castles much more than Suburbia and the layout of your
castle always provokes some fun discussion. Nicky was reinventing a classic British
drama, Upstairs Downstairs, which meant that the rest of us were limited in our
below-stairs development: Guy didn't buy a stairs at all. Instead, I was
concentrating on activity rooms and bunching them together into an entertainment wing
so I didn't suffer penalties from making too much noise next to the sleeping and
other sedate rooms. And it worked, particularly as I had a good bonus objective
linked into activity rooms, leaving me over 20 points ahead of Guy in second place. |