Date: 10th April 2015
Game played: Dungeon of Mandom ( Oink Games ) BGG Id: 150312

With half an hour left, I picked a somewhat less thinky game to finish with. Dungeon of Mandom is another tiny Japanese that has just been re-issued by IELLO as Welcome to the Dungeon. It is a dungeon run with each round split into two phases. In the first, you make a choice as to whether you are going to stay in the dungeon or run away. Providing you stay, you get to peek at one of the monsters that is up ahead and either add it to the path to be followed in phase two, or remove it together with a piece of equipment designed to help you get through the dungeon (armour to help you endure more damage or spells / weapons to banish certain monsters). Phase two takes place when the less valiant adventurers have run off to the pub, leaving one to run through the dungeon aided by whatever equipment is left. If they get through all the monsters without taking too much damage, they win a point, otherwise they take a wound. If you take two wounds you are eliminated; if you get two points, you win; otherwise last man alive wins.

This is a great push your luck and bluffing game where you want to carry on but often regret the decision when you see what monster is up ahead. Also, if you remove monster and equipment, you can either be removing something you know to be vital or something not really needed and that will dictate whether you hope it's going to come round to you again so you can run away and leave some other sucker to face the dungeon. Although, I ran the dungeon successfully on the first round, once I had taken a wound on my next attempt, I was less able to take risks. Mark G spent most of his time in the pub but once Felix and then Nige were killed off, he had to take more of a risk and it came down to sudden death. The last dungeon got pretty full of monsters but neither of us removed any equipment. However, I eventually turned tail, leaving Mark G to face the music. And he sailed through in a blur of spells and vorpal swords to emerge triumphant.

Mark G

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