My table of three moved on from one city building game to another with Oddville. This is a bit of a cross between Carcassonne and a resource management game. You have four worker cards and each turn you normally pick one of these workers to give you coins, a particular resource or a building contract. The other thing you can do instead is fulfil a building contract by spending the required resources and adding the building to the growing city of Oddville. However, placement is restricted, as in Carcassonne, by having to match up the roads printed on the cards. Each constructed building gives the player an immediate bonus shown on the card built and any other cards to which it is adjacent, connected to by roads. The building might also give the player a guild character who provides an ongoing benefit. Once someone has built their sixth building, players score for the buildings and guild characters they possess plus any resources they've not been able to use, the highest total winning the game. This was another good game with straightforward rules but with a need for forward planning in terms of grabbing the resources you needed to fulfil your building contracts while risking that someone might pinch the contract you were hoping to pick up before you had chance. This ended up pretty close between the three of us but Beth managed to snag a third guild character which ended up being the difference between her and my score, so Beth emerged as the victor. |