Date: 23rd January 2015
Game played: Star Wars: Imperial Assault ( Fantasy Flight Games ) BGG Id: 164153

There were eleven of us this week so we had to split into three groups. I had asked Steve to bring Star Wars: Imperial Assault so four of us started with that one. Imperial Assault is a one vs. many adventure in the Star Wars universe and could be easily described as Descent in space. We played the first mission: "Aftermath" in which a rebel base discovers an Imperial outpost broadcasting messages and a team sets out to infiltrate the outpost and destroy the four terminals from which the broadcast is being made. Steve was the imperial forces; Guy was Diala Passil, the haunted exile; Mark G was Gaarkhan, the fierce warrior; and I was Mak Eshka'rey, the bold renegade. In truth, Guy and I were the incompetent, cross-eyed buffoons as we couldn't hit a barn door with our attacks. At least Mark G's wookie was faring a bit better but Steve was merciless in his attacking of our characters. I was wounded by the second turn and Mark G got wounded soon after but, even worse, he was killed at the start of the fifth turn. Guy then thought about turning round and running away as there was no way we were going to succeed in the mission as there were still two heavily guarded terminals left to destroy by the end of turn 6. I persuaded him instead to go down in a blaze of glory and, sure enough, he was injured on that turn 5 - which immediately gave Steve the win. I didn't even get chance to use my stun grenade that I had discovered as I was too far away from the imperial forces.

We all enjoyed Star Wars: Imperial Assault but felt that this scenario was pretty hard with the mix of characters we had picked. Need to try a different set next time. I'm not sure I'm enamoured enough to play a full campaign but I'm glad we got to try it.

Mark G

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